Sunday, 29 November 2009

Hoohoo, two posts in as many days.

Figured out how to do pictures n'all, go team ME!

Speaking of the lovely Marylin and her fancy pants size 16 self, I had a converstation recently that annoyed me.

I was trying to squeeze through a gap that a slender person I know had done easily seconds before, when I discovered my ass wouldn't allow it. I retreated, pointing out,

"I'm not nearly skinny enough for that"

The person I was with then said,

"That's not a very nice thing to say about yourself!"

Well, erm, WHY? The last time I checked you could be non-skinny and still be attractive.

So bugger off twiglets!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

My favourite thing, ME!

Ooh er.
Blogs eh? Ain't I the technical one?
Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware I'll do this, send it to Lauren, go on the Playstation then forget the website.
Then I'll remember in like a month and still just have the one view from Lauren.

Ooh, what to write about? I'm immensely dull, the biggest thrill of the last few days was getting excited about a new kind of ham. And I don't even like ham.

I'll write about me. That seems like a good start.

Female, 16, slightly on the podgy side though I'll live aslong as the weight keeps going to my ladyorbs. It's a Saturday night and I'm in the house on my own, screaming at Facebook cause everyone seems to be on there and NEVER ON MSN.

Can't think of anything else now, and I want to go on Tombraider (though I'm sure my one reader will live, I'M TALKING TO YU LAUREN! :P COOEE!)

That's another thing. I write 'yu' instead of 'you'. It was a typo and I liked it, now I write it in my Chemistry coursework. Dammit. I'm sure it's immensely irritating, but it saves exactly 0.00001 seconds of my time, which considering the amount of time I spend on line is probably quite formidable.

Anyhoo, toodles, the lovely Lara calls