Friday 8 January 2010

Really, Really White n' Nerdy

Absolute ZERO on the ideas front today like.

I can't be arsed to do this every day like Lauren, every time I turn my computer on it's like a bloody "Inform, Explain or Describe" exam.

Anyhoo, I think I'm a nerd.

I love the (ORIGINAL) Star Wars, am halfway through The Fellowship of the Ring (one of the greatest books ever), kick ass on Assasins Creed and have a million points on Super Mario Brothers.

Speaking of massively succesful video game franchises, Lara Croft = one of my favourite people, which is quite an acheivement, considering she's made of pixels.

Don't believe stupid women who reckon she's demeaning, there's no reason a girl with huge jugs can't still be a badass.

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