Monday, 15 February 2010


I knew fine well I couldn't be bothered to do another one of these, but this list has been forming in my head for a few days and I want to write it down.

5 Sucky things about comically oversized bangers
  1. Yur toes could have shrivveled up and died for all yu know
  2. The only bras yu can buy are either hidoeous or a small fortune
  3. If yu sleep on yur stomach yur fucked
  4. They're not nearly as good as the small-breasted reckon
  5. Skipping is an extreme sport, rather than passtime of little girls.


5 Great things about comically oversized bangers.

  1. Yu never get ID'd. EVER.
  2. Yu have a handy little shelf for dropped food. Eating popcorn is an experience in itself
  3. It doesn't matter what yu wear as long as it's tight
  4. People find it difficult to enter yur personal space, as yu have two orblike forcefields protecting yu.
  5. Whatever stupid celebrity is on TV showing off their ludicrous boob job, yu can be all smug knowing yu got yurs free.

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